Spiritual Gifts: The Power Gifts 1

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised his followers that they would ‘receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.’ That promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost and it continues today. Some are frightened by the power gifts, but when they’re used in love and humility, they are good and empower the church to reach the world. Today, we look at the gift of prophecy and how it is used to strengthen, encourage, and comfort people.

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Spiritual Gifts: Following the Example of Jesus

It’s easy to view spiritual gifts as optional extras. Something that’s only for the elite Christian. But the Bible makes clear that God gives spiritual gifts to every believer. But what are spiritual gifts? How do we know what our gifts are? And how do we develop them? We start by looking at Jesus, who modelled a life dependent on the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.

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Why Church?

We live in an age where we have everything at our fingertips. We can access the best sermons and the best worship music right from the comfort of our own home, and the trend of our culture is showing that church is becoming less of a priority in our lives, but if we are to take our spiritual life seriously then we need to be rooted in the church.

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It's About Time: Sabbath

Almost everyone feels chronically busy these days. Busyness has become so normal the we just think this is the way life is. But is it? From the very beginning, God has established the practice of Sabbath – a day when we take time to rest and be replenished. Some think of it as pointless legalism, but God intended Sabbath to be a blessing and not a burden, as well as a remedy for our busyness.

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