Posts tagged Guest Speaker
God Stories - Barry & Linda Manson

What does it look like when Jesus transforms lives? This week, we had an interview with Barry & Linda Manson — who encountered Jesus as young hippies and have seen Him intervene in their lives in extraordinary ways: from physical healing to supernatural provision, to learning how to truly rest in the grace of God. Their fascinating story demonstrates God’s faithfulness over four decades of ministry.

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From Ruin to Redemption

When hardship and tragedy strike, the pain and loss can feel all-consuming. But in the book of Ruth, we read about how God cared for two women who had recently lost their husbands and wove a story of redemption out of their loss. Yvonne Ewen (from River Church in Banff, Scotland) shares how their story gives us confidence that God can redeem anything.

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Hungry or Hardened?

Guest speaker Kurt Mahler looks at the events of Palm Sunday and the days which follow, in which Jesus deliberately created scandals through his cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple. But his actions were carefully calibrated to expose our the condition of people’s hearts -- to reveal whether they were hungry for God or hardened against him. The hungry had to go through the hard work of learning to collaborate with the Holy Spirit and the scriptures to figure out what was actually going on, while the hardened had allowed their disappointment to turn into defiant rage. Jesus asks us these same questions today.

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God Stories: The Burrs

The story of the Burrs is a story of restored identity. Todd and Lauren sat down to Interview the Burrs about how Jesus rescued them from a life of rejection, abuse, and disillusionment to pioneering a charitable arts organization in Belgium. Their lives powerfully illustrated the redemptive truth that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

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